Article by Ilze Livincova

Ilze Fitness Online Trening via Zoom

Vi opplever utfordrende tider, og Jeg, Ilze Livincova, med 15 år erfaring både gruppetimer, PT timer og vanntrening, samlet beste øvelser på Ilze Fitness Online trening til å hjelpe leve sunnere og holde seg i formen hjemme. Jeg har tilbud for period helt til sommer 2021 og har satt planner…

Because of CORONA Virus, all my activities have stopped.

But you can follow me on My Instagram - and/or Follow my Youtube channel to get some fun videos for Fitness workout for all your family -…


Ilze Fitness WhatsApp Online group, you will get link after payment. Also You can follow me! My Instagram - and/or Follow my Youtube channel to get some fun videos for Fitness workout for all your family -…


Aqua Seminar via Zoom for Latvian instructors

Reģistrācija: Pārskaitījumam EUR valūtā: Beneficiary: Ilze Livincova IBAN: GB29 REVO 0099 7084 0110 60 BIC: REVOGB21 Beneficiary address: Gamle Ringeriksvei 33B 1357 Bekkestua, Norway Bank / Payment institution: Revolut…